Why is it important to learn Spanish?


Regarding Spanish in the USA, there are many surprising facts. Many of you don’t know much about Spanish in the USA, right? According to some statistics, in the future (by 2050), USA will be the largest Spanish – speaking country in the world.

This is related to the immigration wave coming from the Central and South America to the USA. Moreover, there are many interesting facts about Spanish in the USA. Did you know that 6 states in USA have Spanish names?.

La Latina

For example, do you know Nevada, Montana, Colorado, California or Florida? There are more states with Spanish names. As you see, Spanish in the USA is not as ‘foreign’ language as it seems.
Furthermore, we discover that many Latin American immigrants do not speak English, Spanish either. They speak ‘Spanglish’ – a blend of Spanish and English, mainly used by bilingual speakers.

There are many dialects of Spanglish. Remember that the modern languages are dynamic and subject to constant modifications. Some languages ‘appear’, then disappear – this is something we rarely think of. Interesting, isn’t it?

Let’s change the subject and talk about the song ‘Despacito’. I am pretty sure you all know it. In 2017, ‘Despacito’ ‘Despacito’ was the number one Spanish song in the US ‘Top 100’ music chart. After ‘Macarena’ (sung by the siblings Los Del Río) in 1996, this was the first Spanish number one in the USA.

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‘Macarena’ has had a significant impact in 1990s. Up until the present day, we know how to dance to it. You can even see the choreography in our YouTube video, where some of our teachers dance to it.
Finally, there are a few more facts. Some US states’ constitutions were published in both English and Spanish. It’s interesting, isn’t it?

To conclude, these were some facts about the Spanish language in the USA. Without any doubt, Spanish is a very important language, expanding constantly. As the statistics state, the importance of Spanish in the future will grow.